Looking over my calendar a few days ago, I realized that today would be my first Saturday off in 8 weeks. Today, I realized it’s my last Saturday off for at least 8 weeks.

Yes, a part of me is relishing in the fact that I have this day to do whatever I want to do. I’ll make it to church, and I’ll pick up much needed things at the store.  But I also will be working in other areas. The house definitely needs to be cleaned, and I have a long list of things I need to do on the computer that should be completed by the end of the weekend. (And, hey, I’m blogging!)

The fact is, I enjoy having work. I find joy in it.

I still remember a time when Mom had me sweep the kitchen as a kid. I probably wasn’t happy about the job at first, but by the end I clearly remember this sense of joy deep inside that surprised me. I found this wonderful joy from doing the job… a joy that could not be duplicated by things.

I firmly believe every job is to be done to the best of your ability. I am always hardest on myself in anything that I do. How can I do this better? Did I give it my all?

Over the next two months you’ll find me either at the brewery or behind the camera at a wedding. AND I LOVE THIS FACT.

I truly love working at the brewery. I feel like I’ve finally settled in, and I look at everyone there as friends. I’m still nowhere near figuring out all the regulars, but I’m getting there. Several are starting to be more familiar to me. Others… well… it could be awhile before I get it all figured out. They’re probably still figuring me out as well, though.

But the more I work there, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I love it. The more I love it, the more I want to work. And so the cycle continues.

That previous sentence could also apply to photography. The more things I shoot, the more I learn. Even though I am actively doing yet another Project 365 (a photo a day every day of the year), that’s still nothing like getting in there and doing a photoshoot or an event.

I am not perfect. I make mistakes. In that, I am still very much learning. But my confidence is getting stronger, and my skills are improving. I am SO excited about upcoming weddings, and I know I’ll walk away learning and loving it even more than I do now.

Both of these “jobs” are things is that bring me joy.  Sure, both jobs have aspects that I’ll admit I may not enjoy as much as others (I mean, do you really think it’s as much fun to sweep at the end of the night as it is to serve people beer? Or that set up and tear down of your gear is as much fun as the wedding itself?) but on a whole, I end every night of work feeling tired but very happy.

 “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

Who am I to disagree with Confucius? But honestly, even if you have a job you love, you do have to work. And I’d argue that it’s the work part that brings the joy.

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