A funny thing happens when you give out your blog’s URL. You visit it and realize it hasn’t been updated in almost a year. OOPS! Truthfully, though, its just because I’ve been living life and feeling so grateful for what feels like a second chance […]

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When I was first diagnosed and dipped my toes into breast cancer support groups, I found myself very perplexed by the attitudes of many women who had completed treatment and were in remission. They seemed to be just an anxious about things as I was […]

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It’s been over four months since I finished chemo. It’s been a week and a half since I finished radiation. Life is quickly starting to feel a little bit closer to normal. Diagnosis feels like an entire lifetime ago. So does getting word I had […]

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My doctor told me that six weeks past chemo seems to be a sweet spot for their patients. It’s the time when they’ve been told “things get better.” Can confirm. Last Friday marked the six-week mark post-chemo. I thought I’d been doing well, until this […]

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This coming Friday is my last round of chemotherapy for breast cancer. Following this will be surgery, (probably) radiation and continued immunotherapy. I’ve been a ball of anxiety for the last week. I’d read about women feeling anxious, and even depressed, at the end of […]

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New year, new me has a totally different feel to it for me this year. It’s not something that happens at the stroke of midnight on January 1. It’s something that will happen over the course of the next… however long. Since I’ve been in […]

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This is going to sound weird, perhaps. But for WEEKS I’ve been itching to clean my house. Frankly, we’ve just been too busy. Doing what, I’m not even sure. Busy being busy, I suppose. But every day I’d look around and think, “Man I’m ready […]

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I just got back from visiting family in Texas. I spent the weekend celebrating my Dad’s birthday and then meeting an important IRS deadline. (We won’t talk about that. It was a sh*tshow for so many. We got lucky and were able to hit the […]

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